3 April 2023

A new pair of socks off the needles.

A new pair of socks just off the needles.  I’m still a beginner sock-knitter but pleased to say that with every pair it’s getting easier and more relaxing to do 😊 

These were knitted using 2.5mm Knitpro Zing needles by @knitproeu and the yarn is Funny Feetz by @jamescbrett in the colour FZB14 (wool and bamboo blend). It was a joy to knit with and I’m very pleased with the results. 

Yarn purchased by me from @woolwarehouse 

This is not a sponsored post.

#weediflowercreations #jamescbrettyarn #woolwarehouse #knittedsocks #handknittedsocks #sockknitting #knitprozing 

31 March 2023

African Egg 'Memory' Cross Stitch Chart - New Release

As I write this we are on the last day of March here in the UK but as it's already the early morning of April where family are in New Zealand, i'm using that as my excuse to update my website ahead of time.  The reason for this excitement about being early is I have a new design which I absolutely have to share and can't wait a minute longer to do. (I've been holding back since Wednesday with great difficulty because i'd planned to only release this design on 1April).
I'm delighted to introduce my newest cross stitch design called African Egg 'Memory' in my series Echoes of South Africa which is dedicated to my amazing sister-in-law Brenda who loves Ellie's.
Last month I brought you 'Guinea Fowl' which was the first of my South African inspired designs.   
In case you're wondering ......while I live in the UK, I was born and raised in South Africa.
The charts/patterns for both these designs are available for download along with all my other designs in my shop. 
I invite you to visit my website www.weediflowercreations.com where you can get your hands on the Crochet, Knitting, Craft and Cross Stitch freebies I have on offer.
Happy crafting.
Love, Karen      x
PS:  In March, payment to the charity Crohns and Colitis UK of donations received from  the fund raising chart 'A Ten from Hen' was made for £40.  Read more about it here my blog.

20 March 2023

Donation to Crohns and Colitis UK

You may recall that in December 2022 I released a special cross stitch design called 'A Ten from Hen' to raise funds for Crohns and Colitis UK.  You can see the post about it here.

The design 'A Ten from Hen' was inspired by my enjoyment of Strictly Come Dancing and also a YouTube channel called This Little Wonderful Life by Ali.   Ali loves Strictly Come Dancing, loves her chickens and organises an annual Strictly Sock-along on her channel for sock knitting while watching 'Strictly'.  I wanted to take part somehow and doing it this way was perfect for me (because my knitting of socks is far too slow a process).  The charity is dear to Ali's heart for personal reasons and also one of the Strictly Come Dancing dancers, Amy Dowden.  

Thanks to the support of a few lovely folks i'm pleased to confirm that £40 was paid to Crohns and Colitis UK this afternoon.

It's not too late to make a donation to download and stitch this fun little chart because the collection is ongoing and my next donation to Crohns and Colitis UK of funds collected will be paid on 31 December 2023.  I've chosen 31 December 2023 because Strictly Come Dancing for 2023 and the Sock-Along by Ali will have ended just before then. 

Here is a copy of the payment to Crohns and Colitis UK for those of you who donated.

Please feel free to share the link to the pattern donation page with friends and family to help us raise even more before the end of this year.  The link to share is https://ko-fi.com/s/89bfa69998

Keep stitching,

Karen x


15 March 2023

Kindred Spirits Stitchalong

My copy of Kindred Spirits by Teresa Kogut is on its way and I can’t wait to get started.  I love this piece so much and it makes me smile every time I see it.  I’m going to start it next week as soon as my supplies arrive 🥰. Who would like to join me in a #kindredspiritssal because if you are also stitching this it will be so much fun doing it together. 

Love, Karen x

Kindred Spirits by Teresa Kogut


#kindredspirits #teresakogutcrossstitch #teresakogut #crossstitch #nashvilleneedleworkmarket2023 #kindredspiritssal #weediflowercreations #flossstube #cstitch

10 March 2023

Sleepy Bunny Cross Stitch Chart - New Release

*NEW* I couldn't help myself and just had to release my new cross stitch design called Sleepy Bunny today, instead of in April.

It's just too cute and I really wanted you to see it.

As an added FREE bonus in the Sleepy Bunny Chart Pack i've included extra pages which are Pattern Keeper friendly as a trial for users to give me feedback on. These are in addition to the original chart pages which is what you are purchasing. If you purchase Sleepy Bunny and use Pattern Keeper i'd love your feedback on how I can improve the pages i've given as the trial via email at weediflowercreations@gmail.com

The chart is available for purchase and instant download in my shop.

Wishing you a lovely weekend and Happy Stitching.

Karen x

#weediflowercreations #sleepybunnycrossstitchchart #crossstitch