11 May 2020

Relaxation, Crochet and Ginger Biscuits.

Photo by Karen Wiederhold
Time for some relaxation, crochet, tea and homemade ginger biscuits.  If i get a chance this week i'll type up the recipe in case you'd like to make some.  They are delicious and are definitely meant for dunking.

It's been a busy day today.  Monday's usually are because that's when I tackle all the laundry, admin and tidying up after the weekend.

In lock-down i'm trying to keep to the weekly wake-up and housework routine as that's the best way for me to make sure things don't fall through the gaps, and to keep any creeping anxiety that might try to settle at a minimum. 

Some fun and exciting news is that there's a new blanket design in the works!

Keep watching this space for an announcement soon 😊

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